
Can you smoke norcos? - Yahoo! Answers

How do you smoke norcos ? the additives in norco are toxic let alone the hydrocodone. you could just stick them up your rear. What is a norco ?
7-12-2010 · 1 month ago. No, you can't smoke Norco. It is made up of acetaminophen and hydrocodone, a narcotic pain reliever. ChaCha again soon!
How do you smoke norcos? the additives in norco are toxic let alone the hydrocodone. you could just stick them up your rear. How do you smoke a norco pill?
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Why can't you smoke a Norco tablet? |. can you smoke oxycontin op Can You Take Norco And Smoke Weed?.
Can you smoke norco -

Best Answer: Sure, you can smoke anything. The side effect? Stupidity. Oh, wait. .. Best Answer: norco is vicodin right? I think you would be a fool to smoke that
Why can't you smoke a Norco tablet? |.

  • Can you smoke norco on foil with a tutor?

Why can't you smoke a Norco tablet? |.
You might also like How Does Smoking Weed Make You Feel? Illegal. The word weed is slang for the word marijuana or cannabis, which is also called pot.
25-10-2013 · Related Norco Questions. Can you mix norco's and vicodon? Norco and Vicodin are both brand names for tylenol and hydrocodone. Since both Can you take

Can you smoke norco

Can you smoke norco

Can you smoke norco

Can you smoke norco 10 325

Can I Smoke Norco
Why can't you smoke a Norco tablet? |.
I'm sorry, but what is norcos? If you mean Narcotics, as in drugs, then yes. Narcotics that can be smoked are Meth, Crack, Weed, and Heroin. Even if you can smoke

Can you smoke norco? | ChaCha - Questions.

9-5-2010 · Best Answer: norco is vicodin right? I think you would be a fool to smoke that, would you smoke a tylenol? well thats mostly what it is why not smoke


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